Ash glaze is a much earlier form of glaze that is still used today, which began in around 10,00BC in China. Potters realized that the ash from the kiln that was landing on the pots during the firing process was leaving a green coloured glaze, so they began covering the pots in the ash before they were put in. Different shades of glaze can be achieved by using more or less ash.
There are two different types of pottery that carry the majolica moniker. One is a tin-glazed type, which has a silvery white, shiny, and opaque covering which originated in the 9th century, and was the first to be called majolica.
The second is the much later British lead-glazed pottery that was first produced under the name Palissy Ware in the mid-19th century. This is a very different style, made in a completely different way, but the public began to refer to it as majolica and the name stuck.
If your earthenware has been made recently, then it's likely to be completely fine for dishwasher use, and the product should say so. You should be careful to look out for any cracks in the glaze, however, which typically appear in a spider-web pattern and are known as crazing. These cracks give access to the soft, porous ceramic beneath, so extra care should be taken with any crockery showing signs of this. If your earthenware crockery is suitable for dishwasher use, make sure you wash it with Finish® Ultimate Plus to help clean away grease and dirt that may have built up.